Trend opinion 
The expansion of solar power generation (photovoltaics) overloads the power grids.

The fact is that solar power does not overload the grids, but primarily relieves them. The power generated does not have to be transported over several hundred kilometres as is the case with central large-scale power plants.

1. Spatial proximity of generation and consumption relieves grids
It is precisely the local generation of solar power due to the many roof-mounted systems in Germany which is a form of generation in which the power is produced in close proximity to the consumer. The incentive regulations for photovoltaic system operators for their own use of the photovoltaic power generated has further strengthened the trend towards the local bundling of power generation and consumption. On balance, through photovoltaic power generation the transport routes for power, the burden on the grids locally and the line losses are significantly reduced.

2. Modern feed-in and grid technologies reduce the need to expand grids
The modern inverters now prescribed for new photovoltaic systems contribute to balancing out the voltage increases and voltage drops in the grid. Together with further options such as the use of variable local grid transformers, technical measures can be utilised to significantly reduce the need for grid expansion and modernisation.

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