Monthly report of the renewable energy industry 11/12 published

The current monthly IWR report with economic data and facts about the renewable energy industry has been published. The topics
1. Interview with Federal Minister for the Environment Altmaier: “The next reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act should last for 10 to 15 years”
2. Main topic: CO2 emissions in 2011 at record level – Why the Kyoto approach does not work
3. After the energy summit: Federal Government continues to reject a master plan
4. Obama wins the election – How his energy strategy looks and what Romney would have planned
5. Power shortage in Germany? - 172 GW power plant capacity is available
6. How Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel continues to support electromobility
7. IWR study: Renewable energy industry in North Rhine-Westphalia analysed systematically
9. Attractive job offers and dates of events

Released on: 2012-11-14