2014-08-15 | ![]() Record: Global CO2 emissions exceed 35 billion tonnes for the first timeGlobal CO2 emissions hit a new record level again in 2013. Annual IWR research into the worldwide development of CO2 emissions shows that the growth trend seen in previous years is continuing. No trend reversal in international climate protection is in view, according to the IWR analysis. At 35.1 billion tonnes, about 670 million more tonnes of carbon dioxide from fossil energy carriers was blown into the atmosphere worldwide than in the previous year (2012: About 34.4 billion tonnes)."The annual increase is apparently unstoppable, the year with the global CO2 peak and therefore the turning point cannot yet be foreseen" stated IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch in Münster. The development corroborated the IWR trend scenario from 2012 according to which global CO2 emissions may increase to over 40 billion tonnes by 2020 (1990: 22.7 billion tonnes). Original Press Release: Rekord: Weltweiter CO2-Ausstoß steigt 2013 erstmals auf über 35 Milliarden Tonnen Alternative to the Kyoto limitation modelInvestment approach - How the CERINA plan works: Download IWR Monthly Report "Regenerative Energiewirtschaft mit CERINA-Plan" |
2014-08-12 | 300,000 Bloomberg subscribers can follow the RENIXX WorldThe world's largest providers of financial information are Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg. Together, they enjoy a global market share of over 60 percent. For some years now, the first global share index for the renewables sector, developed by IWR, has been accessible via Reuters terminals. This year Bloomberg has also shown interest in RENIXX World. Since the start of August 2014, RENIXX World has now also been accessible to over 300,000 Bloomberg subscribers the world over via Bloomberg terminals.Futher information: RENIXX World Chart |
2014-07-29 | E&M interview: "Green deception of consumers"In an interview with the magazine Energie & Management, IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch criticised the current designation of electricity. It enables power suppliers to indicate that the power mix contains a high proportion of "electricity from renewable sources, promoted in accordance with the EEG", even if they do not purchase a single kilowatt hour of EEG green electricity.More background information on this subject: Misleading of power consumers - EEG green electricity in the power mix of energy suppliers |
2014-06-13 | Power exports: Germany achieves record income in 2013In 2013, the German power sector earned more than ever before from the export of electricity. Last year, Germany exported energy worth € 3.76 billion to neighbouring countries. At the same time, power worth € 1.81 billion was imported. The net export surplus reached a record high of € 1.95 billion. For imported electricity an average of 4.9 ct/kWh had to be paid, while at 5.2 ct/kWh power exports brought in revenues that were far higher. The not unjustified suspicion: EEG power was purchased cheaply on the exchange and sold abroad with a high margin.To the whole press release: Electricity export: Germany achieves record income |
2014-06-13 | IWR creates global map of offshore wind energyThe expansion of offshore wind energy is advancing worldwide. More and more countries are starting to produce wind power at sea. The current status and further development is being documented by the IWR in a global offshore wind energy map.The global map of offshore wind energy can be found on the website at The website is run by IWR, a renewable energy institute and by the Offshore Wind Energy Foundation on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi), and forms part of the OffWEA project. |
2014-06-13 | The Fukushima effect: electricity prices in Germany fall by 50 per centWhen Germany began its nuclear power phase-out in 2011, critics began to paint the direst picture of the future. They predicted that the decommissioning of eight atomic power stations would result in a colossal shortfall in the supply of electricity and that this would lead to blackouts and massive hikes in the cost of power. But since then, Germany has experienced neither power shortfalls nor blackouts. The doom and gloom forecast has not come to pass; on the contrary a new record electricity export surplus to the tune of 34 billion kWh was registered in 2013. The downward trend in electricity prices in Germany is continuing unabated. While electricity still cost more than 6 euro cents/kWh on the EEX shortly after the Fukushima reactor disaster, bulk buyers and businesses are currently able to cover their needs for just 3.2 euro cents/kWh (2017 futures price). This is the lowest price for electricity for more than 10 years.See the full press release (german) Seit Fukushima: Deutsche Strompreise sinken um 50 Prozent Trends in EEX futures prices (to 2020) for electricity in Germany (german) |
2014-04-07 | Surpluses in the billions on the EEG levy account hit new record levelSince the beginning of the year, there have been constantly growing surpluses in the billions on the EEG levy account. Already at the end of March, the income and expenditure account for the EEG levy, which is managed by the grid operators, had recorded an unprecedented surplus of € 1.5 billion for the present accounting year 2014. What lies in the future for the EEG levy?To the whole press release Germany: Increasing surpluses reach billions of Euros in the EEG levy account |
2014-03-18 | Workshop on energy turnaround: Main trends and challenges in North-Rhine WestphaliaWith the foundation of the “Virtual Institute: Transformation – Energy Turnaround NRW“, a new ideas factory is to be created for the federal state’s Ministry of Science. Among those involved are the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen (KWI) and other partners.On Tuesday 18 March 2014, a meeting of the Virtual Institute was held in Düsseldorf, its subject “Prospects for NRW - Main trends and challenges for the energy turnaround in North-Rhine Westphalia”. In his talk, IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch outlined the structural policy dimensions of the energy turnaround in North-Rhine Westphalia on the basis of the SLAM concept. Dr. Allnoch pointed out that it is not enough to shape the energy turnaround from the perspective of use transformation and climate & environmental protection. Only with the structural integration of business, research and education within the framework of a holistic system approach will a successful energy turnaround be possible, Dr. Allnoch said. Download talk: Allnoch, N. 2014: Die strukturpolitische Dimension der Energiewende in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Vortrag auf dem Workshop: Perspektive NRW - Zentrale Trends und Herausforderungen für die Energiewende in Nordrhein-Westfalen, 18.03.2014, Düsseldorf, Projekt "Virtuelles Institut", Wuppertal-Institut Download: Basic information and fundamentals of the SLAM®-Concept (Standard Location Asset Model) - a standardised analysis and management tool for sector in regions Monthly report on the renewable energy industry with presentation of the SLAM® concept |
2014-03-11 | KlimaExpo NRW: IWR presents SLAM concept for regionsThe KlimaExpo NRW - a project of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia - intends to present NRW as a region in Europe in which the ecological modernisation of the economy is succeeding in an exemplary fashion. Over a period of 10 years, it will follow how change processes are planned and implemented.Via the KlimaExpo NRW in Münster and at the invitation of the Green Party, a meeting was held on Saturday, 15 March 2014 with representatives of different parties, the Environment Ministry, the church and the municipalities, the Chamber of Commerce and the climate advisory board of the city of Münster. In his talk, IWR director Dr. Norbert Allnoch presented the SLAM® concept, a holistic analysis and management tool for sectors in regions. Following an introduction and presentation of the functional principle, Dr. Allnoch discussed already implemented examples to illustrate the practical operation and capabilities of the SLAM concept. On the basis of the topic of climate protection within the framework of the KlimaExpo NRW, Dr. Allnoch then demonstrated how a concrete application of the SLAM model might look and which results may be expected. Download: Basis of the SLAM® concept (Standard Location Asset Model) - a standardised analysis and management tool for the sectors in the regions. Monthly report on the renewable energy industry with presentation of the SLAM® concept |
2014-03-11 | High-ranking Japanese delegation visits IWROn the third anniversary of the earthquake and reactor catastrophe of Fukushima, a high-ranking delegation from the Japanese interior ministry in Tokyo, representatives of the Japanese embassy and of the Japanese general consulate in Düsseldorf visited IWR.The main focuses of the German-Japanese talks were an exchange of views on economic policy topics, the energy turnaround and the specific situation in Japan, as well as a possible expansion of renewable sources of energy and the creation of the conditions for the development of a renewable energy industry in Japan based on the SLAM® conzept developed by IWR. The substitute investments in nuclear power stations in France and the renewable energy situation in Spain were discussed. Other topics included the various IWR studies with the framework of economic and political consulting, the global RENIXX World developed by IWR and Business Climate Index as well as the CERINA-Plan as a new investment approach to global climate protection. |
2014-02-20 | German nuclear power plants consume even more power than the state of BremenNine nuclear power stations in Germany are still producing electricity. But the amount of electricity needed just to keep them in operation is surprisingly high. According to research conducted by IWR Online, last year German nuclear power plants consumed 5.2 billion kilowatt hours. That is more than the state of Bremen (2011: about 4.8 billion kWh) consumes on an annual basis. While the energy consumption of plants using renewable sources of energy is subject to the EEG levy, conventional power plants are to be exempted from this charge.To the whole news at IWR-Online (German) Atomkraftwerke verbrauchen selbst mehr Strom als das Bundesland Bremen |
2014-02-17 | Japanese business delegation visits IWRA Japanese delegation from Tokyo was hosted at IWR in Münster on 17 February 2014. In talks, possibilities of cooperation between SMEs in Japan and Germany were discussed. The background to this is a new web-based matching system that the Japanese intend to launch in April. The aim of the project is to offer Japanese enterprises assistance with national and international development. The members of the Japanese delegation displayed particular interest both in the IWR company network and in the conceptual IWR work carried out within the framework of studies on the “green” economic structure in Germany. |
2014-02-10 | IWR produces energy statistics for the federal state of North Rhine-WestphaliaWithin the framework of a tender, IWR has received the contract for the preparation and creation of energy statistics for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to the publication of an energy statistics brochure, the project includes the creation of a new website with the possibility to download NRW energy statistics in comparison to national figures.Following the order for the creation and maintenance of the website on offshore wind energy ( on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the new NRW project is a further element in the expansion of the IWR website portfolio within the energy sector. |
2014-01-20 | FAZ disseminates misleading figures regarding EEG costsFor many months now, the media have not hesitated to stir up a negative attitude towards the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) and the energy turnaround. It is primarily the level of EEG costs for consumers that is repeatedly a popular topic and one that shows the energy turnaround in a bad light. Many media are prepared to do almost anything to twist the facts. The most recent extreme example: no less a newspaper than the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).To the article at IWR online about EEG costs per citizen in the FAZ |
2014-01-02 | RENIXX World Industrial Index – New composition as of 01.01.2014As part of its regular recomposition on 1 January 2014 on the basis of stock market capitalisation, the IWR, a renewable energy institute, has calculated the new weighting for the global RENIXX World Industrial Index. This reveals that the bioethanol producer, Cropenergies (D), the wind power project planner PNE Wind (D), the fuel cell supplier Fuelcell Energy (USA), the solar cell manufacturer Ja Solar (CN) and the inverter producer SMA (D) are no longer included in the index.Newly included are Tesla Motors from the USA (electromobility), the Canadian renewable power producer, Innergex Renewable Energy (CA), the Chinese solar cell producers Jinko Solar (CN) and Shunfeng Photovoltaic (CN) and the US bioethanol producer Green Plains (USA). |
2013-12-30 | Comeback for ’green’ stocks – RENIXX World up by 89.8 percent in 2013After the last three lean years with high price losses, "green shares" have for the first time recovered again in stock exchange year 2013. The international principal index of the renewable energy industry, RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Industrial Index), developed by IWR stood at 320.11 points at the close of 2013, and was thus 89.8 percent higher than a year before (168.69 points). In 2012, the RENIXX fell by 30 percent, and in 2011 by no less than 54 percent. As part of the regular recomposition on the basis of stock market capitalisation on 1 January 2014, three German companies at once (Cropenergies, PNE Wind and SMA) are leaving the RENIXX (WKN: RENX01). Nordex AG is now the only German company in the principal index of the renewable energy industry, which consists of 30 stocks.- To the IWR press release "Green stocks celebrate comeback..." |
2013-12-11 | IWR chairs Wind Energy Innovation and Research working group in North Rhine-WestphaliaWith the establishment of the working group “Wind Energy Innovation and Research”, the project initiator ETN and the EnergyAgency.NRW intend to create a new forum that can identify the medium and long-term R&D needs and the infrastructure requirements of the sector, e.g. for test capacity. The kick-off event was held on 1 December 2013 under the chairmanship of the IWR in Düsseldorf. |
2013-12-09 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 12/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. The IWR interview with Dr. Robert Figgener, Federal Association of German Biomass Fuel Industry: “Germany must end its solo effort with biomass fuel” 2. The German Energiewende: what the coalition agreement will achieve 3. Coalition in place – Standstill on climate protection 4. Electricity exports in 2013 on track for new records 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-12-09 | Climate protection objectives in Germany cannot be achieved by 2020If it were up to the coalition agreement between the CDU/CSU and the SPD, then greenhouse gas emissions in Germany should be reduced by at least 40 percent by 2020 in comparison to 1990 levels. For the energy sector (1990 levels: approx. 1,000 million tonnes CO2) this means that the CO2 emissions of approximately 800 million tonnes at the time (2012) would have to be reduced to 600 million tonnes and thus by a further 200 million tonnes within only a few years. The article explains why the climate objectives cannot be achieved.- To the IWR press release - Background information on the topics of climate, climate protection and climate change |
2013-12-06 | Strom Xaver provides new wind power record in DeutschlandThe low-pressure system ‘Xaver’ provided a new record for wind power production in Germany. On December 5th, 2013 German wind turbines supplied more than 26,000 MW of electricity into the grid for the first time. This wind power capacity is equivalent to the power plant capacity of 26 medium-sized nuclear power stations (approx. 1,000 MW capacity). The previous record was not a long-standing one as the prior record mark for Germany of 24,700 MW was only set on October 28th, 2013. At that time it was the low-pressure system ‘Christian’, which moved across Northern and Western Europe and provided the unusually high performance for wind power.- To the complete News in the IWR-Newsticker |
2013-11-25 | Government supports repowering process in North Rhine-WestphaliaWind power plays a decisive role in climate protection in Nord Rhine-Westphalia. The replacement of old wind turbines with new ones was on the agenda at the conference ‘Wind power and re-powering – the current situation and possible communal action in NRW’, which was held by EnergieAgentur NRW on November 21st, 2013 in Witten. In the keynote speech ‘Development and challenges in re-powering in NRW and the region’ Dr. Norbert Allnoch presented the current SLAM concept for the regenerative energy industry in NRW and sketched out the current status of NRW wind power use. At their core the current discussions on re-powering in the municipalities are concentrated on the areas of species protection, the protection of places and landscapes, the planning process, efficiency and lease models and acceptance issues. Concrete recommendations for action were posed to the state based on a questionnaire to the municipalities with the aim of supporting the re-powering process, which is still at an early stage in NRW.- Download the lecture by IWR „Windenergie und Repowering - aktuelle Situation und kommunale Handlungsmöglichkeiten in NRW“ in Witten |
2013-11-08 | Academy of Public Sciences: global climate protection and the CERINA planAt the 12th Man and the environment symposium under the title “The carbon dioxide problem”, initiated by the Academy of Public Sciences in Erfurt, IWR director Dr. Norbert Allnoch gave a talk on 8 November 2013 about global climate protection and the CERINA plan (CO2 emissions and the Renewable Investment Action Plan). The world’s energy-related CO2 emissions are rising from year to year and appear to be unstoppable. In his talk, Dr. Allnoch explained that one reason for the stalemate at climate protection negotiations is the limitation and sanctions approach in combination with CO2 thresholds, which lies at the core of the Kyoto Protocol. Dr. Allnoch argued for negotiations on climate-friendly and CO2-free technologies on the basis of the CERINA plan. Politicians are more likely to convince the public and industry of the virtues of investment stimuli as part of a positive incentive system than of limitation, whatever form it may take, Dr. Allnoch argues.- Download of the IWR talk: „Globaler Klimaschutz und der CERINA-Plan – investieren statt begrenzen“ given on 08.November 2013 in Erfurt, Germany - Reuters: China, U.S. green spending falling far short, says Germany's IWR |
2013-11-08 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 11/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. The IWR interview with Helmut Jäger, managing director of SOLVIS GmbH & Co. KG: “We definitely need the heat energy turnaround” 2. Global CO2 emissions and renewable energy investments by country – CERINA plan: Climate protection through investment instead of endless political debate about CO2 thresholds 3. Coalition negotiations: What the CDU/CSU and SPD are planning 4. Australia: Emissions fund instead of CO2 tax 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-11-06 | The energy turnaround and the EEG – A system defectOn 6 November 2013 in Düsseldorf, at an advisory board meeting of the NRW consumer organisation, IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch addressed current energy-policy issues. Dr. Allnoch deplored the one-sided view of politicians when it comes to the electricity sector and showed that over 15 years heating energy and fuels, completely disregarding the EEG levy, are the domestic drivers of price inflation for consumers, and that the electricity sector accounts for the smallest price increase. In relation to the current EEG, Dr. Allnoch explained in detail which grave and fatal consequences for the energy sector resulted from the change introduced in 2010 from physical to balance-sheet transfer in the EEG transfer mechanism. According to Dr. Allnoch, consumers are also being wilfully deceived when energy suppliers show, for example, over 20 percent of electricity from renewables, subsidised by the EEG, on a consumer’s bill, even when the same power company, as the law permits, only purchases power from conventional sources. In relation to this, Dr. Allnoch argues for the IWR market price model, which provides for a physical integration of the EEG-exchange electricity into the electricity mix of the energy suppliers.- Download of the IWR talk „Energiewende und EEG“ given on 6 November 2013, Verbraucherzentrale NRW in Düsseldorf |
2013-10-31 | Electricity market: energy turnaround: not always only electricity – Heat is the forgotten pillar of energy supplyThese days, when people talk about the energy turnaround, they focus almost completely on the supply of electricity and the price trend on the electricity market. While the electricity market causes tempers to run high, the issue of heat supply is ignored. When turning up the heating, hardly anyone thinks about the fact that we are far more reliant upon oil and gas than we are when it comes to the supply of electricity. The rising cost of oil and gas is not an issue. Dr. Norbert Allnoch speaks in a WDR 5 radio interview about the need to focus more on the supply of heat and on energy efficiency. When it comes to cutting CO2 emissions, the Federal Government is also clearly lagging behind the goals set out in a government statement by Chancellor Merkel on June 2011. |
2013-10-30 | Electricity market: Flexibility instead of capacity - Interview with Solarzeitalter magazineAt the time of the German 2013 national election, there was strong criticism from many sides of renewable forms of energy and the EEG. A reform of the EEG was demanded so that more structure could be given to the expansion of renewable energies. In an interview with the magazine Solarzeitalter, Dr. Norbert Allnoch talked about the challenges arising from the energy turnaround and the mechanism of the EEG levy, and about what role capacity reserves and grid expansion will play in the energy turnaround.- Read the Interview |
2013-10-09 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 10/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. The IWR interview with Dr. Arnold Wallraff, President of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA): “The federal government should take it up a gear with MAP” 2. The German Energiewende: the largest building sites for the new government 3. After the election: coalitions and the Renewable Energies Act levy 4. KfW leads in the financing of renewable energies 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-10-04 | Dr. Norbert Allnoch in the WDR3 Interview on the anniversary of the start of operations at the wind turbine GROWIAN 1983Within the framework of the WDR3 programme ‘ZeitZeichen’ and on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the start of operations at the test facility GROWIAN on October 4th, 1983, IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch described the development of this ambitious project and explained which framework conditions were influenced by the development of wind power. The government invested approximately 54 million Euros at the time in this system with its world record height of 100 metres. Following various materials problems and the corresponding interruptions in operations the system was already decommissioned in 1987 but was still represented the initial impetus for the use of wind power in Germany.- WDR3 programme ‘ZeitZeichen’ (German) Der Betriebsbeginn der Windkraftanlage "Growian" |
2013-10-01 | Fault in the system: sinking power prices for volume buyers drive up power costs for consumersThe downward trend in power prices for volume buyers and for industry still continues in September 2013. The average price of base-load electricity was just 4.17 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) in the past month. From January to September 2013 the average price for base-load electricity was even less at 3.79 cents per kWh. This is a reduction of 12% in comparison to the same period in 2012 (4.31 cents per kWh). Paradoxically electricity consumers are paying for the reduction for volume buyers with constantly increasing power prices. “A structural fault in the marketing mechanism of the Renewable Energies Act leads to the volume customer prices falling ever lower but the consumers paying for the increasing advantage to volume buyers with constantly rising power prices”, says IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch, speaking in Münster.- On the IWR press release (German) Fehler im System: Sinkende Strompreise für Großabnehmer treiben Stromkosten für Verbraucher - Press Info German Energiewende |
2013-09-10 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 09/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. The big IWR interview with Prof. Dr. Eicke R. Weber, Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), on the Photovoltaics story: “At € 0.05 / kWh, PV will be one of the most cost-effective technologies” 2. Renewable energies: El Salvador follows a master plan 3. Energy transition and Bundestag elections: Political plans 4. Japan: Fukushima disaster and solar record 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-08-09 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 08/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. IWR interview with Horst Seide, President of the German Biogas Association, about current developments and prospects in the biogas sector: “Biomethane is fully-developed in the passenger car segment” 2. Top 50 revenue ranking 2012: Which companies are growing despite the crisis? 3. PV tariffs: Germany lowers, Spain abandons 4. Electricity prices for major customers tumble 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-07-11 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 07/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. IWR interview with Kurt Sigl, President of the Bundesverband eMobilität association, about the current situation of electromobility in Germany: “The pressure on car manufacturers is growing with every project” 2. The EEG transfer mechansim: Defects in the market system 3. SolarWorld drops out of RENIXX-World 4. Construction of new wind station in Aachen 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-06-19 | Record: Wind and solar account for over 60 percent of power supplyThe power supply in Germany can be assured with a very high proportion of renewable energies. Last Sunday, on June 16th, 2013 wind and solar energy systems in Germany achieved for the first time the record level of providing over 60 percent of the required power station capacity. Approximately 1.3 million wind and solar energy systems generated decentralised electricity without endangering the security of the power supply. ‘The data convincingly disproves the fears that are expressed repeatedly in the course of the turnaround in energy policy that a power supply with so many wind and solar energy systems cannot function in an industrial country like Germany’, says Dr. Norbert Allnoch, Director of IWR, a renewable energy institute, speaking in Münster.- Press release by IWRNew world record: Wind and solar account for over 60 percent of power supply - Press on the german Energiewende |
2013-06-14 | IWR presents an interim report on repowering to the Environmental Committee for North-Rhine WestphaliaIWR presented the interim report on the status of repowering in North-Rhine Westphalia to the committee for the environment, nature conservation, agriculture and consumer protection at the state parliament for North Rhine-Westphalia |
2013-06-11 | Monthly report of the renewable energy sector for 06/13 releasedThe current monthly e-report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry. The most important key topics in this edition include:1. IWR interview with Rudolf Sonnemann, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Stiebel Eltron Group, about the current development in the renewable heat sector: ‘In 2020 there will be no more fossil fuel heating systems’ 2. Solar tax penalties – EU and China on course for confrontation? 3. Coal: Garzweiler before the constitutional court 4. CO2 record: climate protection remains ineffective 5. Business: RENIXX World share index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR Business Climate Index for the renewable energy sector, power generation from renewable sources with a comparison to the figures from the previous year, price of electricity, CO2 prices, levy account of the EEG 6. Interesting job offers and event calendar Download monthly e-report on the renewable energy industry |
2013-05-13 | Monthly report of the renewable energy industry 05/13 publishedThe current e-monthly report Renewable Energy Industry with economic data and facts about the renewable energy industry has been published. The most important themes highlighted in this edition include:1. IWR-Interview with Dr. Norbert Allnoch about the last 30 years of development in the energy sector: “The renewables era has already begun”. 2. North Sea energy field: offshore wind energy in the coastal states 3. Electricity prices plummet: The prices on the futures market are falling 4. alpha ventus demonstrates base load capacity of offshore wind energy 5. Economy: RENIXX-World Stock Index, Ifo Business Climate Index in comparison with IWR Business Climate Index of the renewables sector, renewable power generation with comparison to previous year, electricity prices, CO2 prices, EEG levy account 6. Attractive job offers and dates of events Download e-monthly report Renewable Energy Industry |
2013-04-18 | Record: Wind farms and solar plants produce more power than conventional power plantsOn 18.05.2013, the generation of power from renewable energy sources hit a new record. For the first time, wind farms and solar plants in Germany produced electricity with a capacity of about 36,000 megawatts (MW). This is equivalent to the power plant output of more than 30 nuclear power plants. At times, the renewable plants fed more electricity into the German national grid than did conventional power plants. “For the first time, Germany was supplied on a high-load working day with more than 50 percent of its power from wind farms and solar plants”, said IWR director Dr. Norbert Allnoch in Münster.- To the IWR press release Record: Wind farms and solar plants produce more power than conventional power plants - Press information on German Energiewende - Power-load profile in Germany: Course of demand for power, feeding in of wind and solar energy as well as conventional power plants on 18.04.2013 |
2013-04-12 | Electricity prices on futures market fall to record low – Under 4 cents for the first timeThe rapid decrease in German electricity prices on the exchange continues. Now for the first time, the 4 cent per kilowatt hour (kWh) mark has been breached downwards. Yesterday, major customers and the industry paid only 3.99 cent per kWh for base load electricity, which they will receive in 2015. At 3.998 cent, the future price for 2016 was at its lowest since January 2005. The reason for the price decline is a significant oversupply of electricity, despite the closing down of eight nuclear power plants. The closure of the next nuclear power plants in 2015 (Grafenrheinfeld) und 2017 (Gundremmingen B) is already factored in.- To IWR press release Electricity prices fall to record low – Under 4 cents for the first time (in German) - Press information about German Energiewende Power prices for consumers rise – Exchange power prices fall to record lows |
2013-03-14 | Vacancy at IWR, a renewable energy institute: Consultant (m/w) in International StudiesThe IWR, a renewable energy institute, is seeking a consultant in International Studies for the Münster office. Tasks will include the preparation and compilation of studies and the implementation of projects in the renewable energy industry, together with advising on economic affairs and policy.Reference: vacancy for a Consultant in International Studies |
2013-03-13 | Energiejobs-Newsletter now is published on SundaysThe weekly energy jobs newsletter with a total of 66 vacancies in the energy industry appeared on Sunday. From now on and for the future the newsletter will be delivered to subscribers on Sunday. Moreover, the jobs newsletter is already sent directly to over 4,000 registered job applicants.Reference: Energiejobs-Newsletter |
2013-03-12 | The 03/13 Monthly Report Renewable Energy Industry publishedThe current monthly report Renewable Energy Industry with industry data and facts concerning the renewable energy industry has been published. The main topics in this edition:1. Interview by IWR, a renewable energy institute, with Dr. Peter Podesser, Chief Executive Officer of SFC Energy AG: "The fuel cell is part of an intelligent energy mix" 2. Allnoch, N: The SLAM model - holistic assessment of regions for industrial sectors 3. Electricity tariffs: Exoneration of the industry in the sight of the EU and the judiciary 4. How Kazakhstan intends to develop 1 Gw renewable energy capacity by 2020 5. Economy: RENIXX-World Stock Index, Ifo Business Climate Index compared to the IWR renewable energy institute Business Climate Index for the renewable energy industry, renewable power generation with year-on-year comparison, energy tariffs, CO2 prices, assessment account 6. International overview of the top 5 wind and solar energy markets in 2012 7. Presenting the offshore network plan of the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) 8. Turn-around in energy policy: 2013 is a record year for the expansion of coal-fired power plants 9. Interesting advertised vacancies and events diary Download electronic version of the Monthly Report Renewable Energy Industry |
2013-03-01 | Successful start: 1.2 million views in two monthsThe news on the IWR portal of our renewable energy institute is constantly gaining in popularity. In the last two months alone, January and February 2013, our news articles have already been visited 1.2 million times. The interest of readers has not least been aroused by the heated discussions surrounding the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) and electricity prices. |
2013-02-27 | Energiewende: Energy turnaround: new coal-fired power plants with record capacity in 2013Electricity suppliers in Germany have clearly completely underestimated the pace of development of renewables and overestimated the need for coal-fired power plants. In Germany, more coal-fired power plants are going online this year than ever before over the past 20 years. According to data from the Federal Network Agency, in 2013 new hard coal-fired power plants will for the first time produce power with a capacity of 5,300 megawatts (MW). Because it is planned for only almost 1,000 MW old hard coal-fired power plants to be shut down, the bottom line is that additional conventional power plant capacity with an output of 4,300 MW is entering what is now already a saturated market.To the IWR press release Energy turnaround: More coal-fired power plants than ever before |
2013-02-25 | Energiejobs newsletter publishedThe latest edition of the weekly Energiejobs newsletter has been published. A total of 52 job offers from the energy sector is presented this time. What applicants are particularly interested in: key account managers, energy consultants, project developers, engineering jobs, sales professionals and energy managers. But service technicians and managerial positions are also popular among the applicants.To the Energiejobs-Newsletter |
2013-02-20 | Climate: Record power export raises CO2 emissionsIn an interview with the FAZ newspaper, Federal Minister for the Environment Peter Altmaier has expressed concern regarding the provisional greenhouse gas figures, which indicated that in 2012 emissions harmful to the climate rose again for the first time in years. The reason for the increased CO2 in Germany is not, however, the abandonment of nuclear energy, but, in the opinion of the IWR, the record power exports to other countries and the greater use of lignite for electricity generation. The CO2 emissions in Germany rose in 2012 by about 1.6 percent, representing an increase of approx. 13 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.According to figures published by the Federal Ministry of Economics, the power export surplus in 2012, in comparison to 2011, increased by about 17 billion to a total of 23 billion kilowatt hours (billion kWh) and is thus greater than ever before. The increase in the power export surplus can primarily be attributed to higher electricity production from lignite, which, in turn, is responsible for the increase in climate-damaging greenhouse gases in Germany. To the IWR press release Was Altmaier nicht sagt: Rekord-Stromexport treibt deutschen CO2-Ausstoß |
2013-02-05 | E-World 2013: renewable energy industry in North Rhine-Westphalia – Prospects and opportunitiesDuring the 17th Expert Congress on Future Energies, IWR director Dr. Norbert Allnoch provided his 1,000-strong audience with a fact check regarding the energy turnaround and the Renewable Energies Act (EEG). Allnoch criticised the fact that although the exchange electricity prices had fallen to their lowest level since 2005, only the industry, suppliers without their own power plants and major customers were profiting from this, while the falling exchange power prices are being financed by consumers via a higher EEG levy.Moreover, Allnoch pointed out that the current energy turnaround debate – obviously because of the upcoming German general election campaign – is focusing exclusively on the expansion of renewables and the discussion of costs. On the basis of the SLAM model (Standard Location Asset Model), presented to the public for the first time, a holistic model and evaluation procedure was set out, with which core competences (assets) of a site such as North Rhine-Westphalia can be analysed for different sectors. With an optimal SLAM mix, it is possible to optimise the strengths on the basis of the four asset areas (energy, industry, research and education). In conclusion, Dr. Allnoch drew attention to the further prospects for renewable energy, referred to the most important drivers ((the finite nature of fossil fuels and dependence on them, ageing power plants with increasing risks, climate protection activities) and presented the CERINA-Plan initiative as an alternative to the Kyoto Protocol. The underlying idea: linking CO2 emissions of countries to investments in climate-friendly and renewable energy technologies. (Download Allnoch lecture slides at E-World 2013) |
2013-02-04 | IWR creates energy statistics brochure 2012 for North Rhine-WestphaliaThe new brochure with data and facts about the energy sector in North Rhine-Westphalia has now been published. EnergieDaten.NRW 2012 offers a compact overview with details about energy generation, consumption, jobs, greenhouse gas emissions and energy prices. The brochure was prepared by IWR on behalf of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Ministry for Climate Protection. The most important statistical energy data (federal and state comparison) are presented on 16 pages.(Dowonload Energie-Statistik NRW 2012) |
2012-12-28 | Green Shares: RENIXX World loses for the third year in successionThe trading year 2012 was disappointing for investors in green shares for the third year in succession. The principle international index for regenerative energy RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Industrial Index) was trading at 168.69 points at the end of the year, which is 30.1 per cent lower than one year previously (241.28 points). The regenerative trading barometer already lost 29.3 per cent in 2010 and in 2011 the index lost 54.4 per cent. The reason for the sustained price reductions is the high competitive and cost pressure to which companies in the sector of regenerative energy are subjected.RENIXX re-configuration from 1.1.2013 Within the framework of the scheduled re-configuration on January 1st, 2013 the solar manufacturer LDK Solar and the Canadian regenerative energy producer Alterra Power will leave the index because of the falling market capitalisation. Newcomers Brookfield Renewable (Canada, Supplier) and Capital Stage (Germany, Supplier) are two investors and operators of regenerative energy projects. (Third black year for green stocks – RENIXX World falls by 30.1 percent in 2012) |
2012-12-14 | Monthly Report on the renewable energy industry 12/12 releasedThe current e-monthly report ‘Regenerative Energiewirtschaft’, with economic data and facts concerning the sector of regenerative energy, has now been released. The most important topics in this issue are:1. An interview on wind power with EWEA-CEO Christian Kjaer: “The years 2013 and 2014 will be very difficult” 2. The core topics of global climate protection: The results from Doha, the positions of the countries and the outlook 3. Offshore allocation: How the new law regulates the liability of network operators 4. Nuclear problems in South Korea and Japan 5. Economy: RENIXX-World share index, Ifo business climate index in comparison to the IWR business climate index for the renewable energy sector, reg. power production in November, power prices, CO2 prices, EEG allocation account, EEG medium term forecast, power export 6. Poland to begin PV tariffs in January 7. IWR forecast for regenerative power production for 2012 in Germany by energy source 8. Emissions trading in California: How the US state is setting up emissions trading on its own initiative 9. Interesting job offers and event dates Download the e-monthly report ‘Regenerative Energiewirtschaft’ |
2012-12-12 | Climate protection needs a new start: Investment in place of limitationsThe climate summit in Doha ended with a minimal result. The Kyoto protocol will be extended until 2020. But only the EU states, Australia and some small countries will participate in it and these countries only produce 15% of the emissions worldwide.Global climate production is in urgent need of new approaches and a new foundation: A central demand of the IWR is that the endless limitation discussions are ended and that they are replaced with global investment discussions on climate-friendly and CO2 abatement costs techniques. (Press release – Climate protection needs a new start: Investment in place of limitations) |
2012-11-14 | Monthly report of the renewable energy industry 11/12 publishedThe current monthly IWR report with economic data and facts about the renewable energy industry has been published. The topics1. Interview with Federal Minister for the Environment Altmaier: “The next reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act should last for 10 to 15 years” 2. Main topic: CO2 emissions in 2011 at record level – Why the Kyoto approach does not work 3. After the energy summit: Federal Government continues to reject a master plan 4. Obama wins the election – How his energy strategy looks and what Romney would have planned 5. Power shortage in Germany? - 172 GW power plant capacity is available 6. How Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel continues to support electromobility 7. IWR study: Renewable energy industry in North Rhine-Westphalia analysed systematically 9. Attractive job offers and dates of events |
2012-11-13 | Global CO2 emissions reach new record levelIn 2011, Global CO2 emissions stood at 34 bln tonnes (2010: 33.2 bln tonnes), having again risen to a new record level. No reversal of the trend is discernable. By 2020 the IWR, a renewable energy institute, expects the trend to persist with emissions rising to over 40 bn tonnes.In light of the Kyoto Protocol, the IWR is of the opinion that the model approach involving the agreement of CO2 thresholds is not working. The IWR is proposing the implementation of the CERINA plan in order to slow down the further increase in global emissions. This plan provides for CO2 emissions in the individual states to be linked to investments in climate-friendly plant technologies, such as renewable forms of energy. (PM-CO2 emissions worldwide and and the CO2 countries ranking for 2011) |
2012-11-05 | Winner of the Reineccius Medal for 2012 – Dr. Norbert Allnoch honoured as a pioneer and lateral thinkerSince 2008, the Reineccius Medal has been awarded in Steinheim to pioneers and lateral thinkers. This year, at a ceremony that took place on 3 November, the award was presented to Dr. Norbert Allnoch in honour of his 30 years of work in the field of renewable energies.Reiner Reineccius (1541 - 1595) was a historian and academic who had rendered outstanding service in researching the history of the ancient world and developing the laws and methods governing the writing of history. To commemorate his legacy, the town of Steinheim makes an annual award in the form of the Reineccius Medal. Previous recipients have been Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer (former Federal Minister for the Environment), Dr. Tanja Busse (journalist, author and radio presenter), Professor Dr. Franz Walter (political scientist), Professor Heribert Wiedemeier (recipient of the NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal). |
2012-11-05 | Renewable energy business in NRW subjected to systematic analysisIWR, a renewable energy institute, has analysed the situation of the renewable energy industry in the German federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. The analysis is based on the systems approach developed by IWR which allows investigation of the 2011 situation relating to renewable energies as a whole. As well as the general field “Energy and Environment” (protection of the climate), the sectors “Economy” (jobs, location & structure), “Research” (structure and research themes) and “Education” (formal education and continuing education) were figured in the study. (Download the NRW study “Zur Lage der Regenerativen Energiewirtschaft 2011”) |
2012-10-26 | Dr. Norbert Allnoch awarded the Reineccius MedalSince 2008, the Reineccius - Medal has been awarded by the town of Steinheim to pioneers and lateral thinkers. This year the medal goes to Dr. Norbert Allnoch of IWR, a renewable energy institute. The aim of the award is to exhort members of modern society to continue to demonstrate a pioneering spirit and think laterally, with the recipient of the award intended to serve as a model in this. Young people in particular should be encouraged to look beyond their own backyard and play an active and creative role in their environment in order to create a better world for all. Since 1982, Allnoch has been working on renewable energies and, as a lateral thinker and pioneer, at a very early stage helped shape the formation of the renewable energy industry and progress its development.Previous recipients of the award include the former Federal Minister for the Environment Klaus Töpfer and political scientist Franz Walter. |
2012-10-19 | Nuclear power plants will not last for ever - a tidal wave of costs is bearing down on countries with nuclear energyIWR, a renewable energy institute, has examined the age structure of nuclear power plants across the world. Many countries will soon be facing some big political challenges, as power plants near the end of their 40-year service life. This is the period of operation nuclear power plants are designed for. Because building a new power plant takes at least seven years, some important decisions will need to be taken well in advance of the replacement date. A projection produced by IWR indicates that countries will need to reckon with costs of around 1.1 billion euros by 2030 if they are to replace old facilities with new nuclear power plants on schedule. (to the Press Release) |
2012-10-08 | October 2012 monthly report on the renewable energy industry outThe current IWR monthly report with industry data and facts relating to the renewable energy industry has been published. Topics of the current issue1. The big IWR interview with Chairman of the Board of S.A.G. Solarstrom AG Dr. Karl Kuhlmann: “2020 is still a long way off for the PV industry” 2. Main topic: Nuclear power plants are getting older as well – the costs to countries by 2030 3. Waiting for the new EEG apportionment – the political battle lines are drawn 4. Japan abandons nuclear power – how the country wants to generate electricity in future 5. IWR criticism of the way electricity prices are calculated on the spot market 6. Peak oil in the North Sea already reached – output on a continual downward trend 7. How the UK intends to extend its offshore head start 8. PV: EU initiates anti-dumping action against Chinese manufacturers 9. Interesting job offers and event dates |
2012-10-05 | Electricity prices continue to fall - IWR criticism of the way peak load prices are calculatedThe European Electricity Exchange in Leipzig yesterday (04/10/2012) published the electricity prices for September. These indicate that the fall in exchange electricity prices in the spot market continues unabated. Base load power cost on average 4.47 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), which is 15 per cent less than for the same period the year before (September 2011: 5.26 cents per kWh). Peak load power was 12.3 per cent cheaper. The reason for the dive in electricity prices on the exchange is once again the increasing percentage of renewables (+27 per cent compared to 2011).IWR is critical of the principle underlying the method for calculating monthly peak load power, in that not all trading days are included in the calculation. The average prices for peak load power are therefore by no means as high as they currently would appear to be at first sight. (To the Press Release) |
2012-09-14 | For the first time wind and solar systems produce electricity with an output in excess of 30,000 MWOn Friday 14/09/2012, between 1 pm and 2 pm, wind and solar systems in Germany supplied the German federal power grid with a total output of around 31,500 MW of electricity. This is a new record, passing the previous best that was set on 09/06/2012 (around 29,750 MW). The proportion of wind and solar power provided on that day peaked at 45 per cent of total German power plant output (around 69,400 MW between 1 pm and 2 pm). (To the Press Release) |
2012-09-08 | Oil production from the North Sea reaches its lowest level in 30 yearsIt is now forty years since the first oil was extracted from the North Sea. An analysis performed by Münster-based IWR, a renewable energy institute, indicates that the output of oil from the North Sea is now contracting a lot quicker than was previously thought. In 2011 output of crude oil was only 124.7 million tonnes. This is a decrease of 12 per cent over the previous year (2010: 140 million tonnes) and is also the lowest figure for 30 years (1982). (To the Press Release)(Graph showing the trend in North Sea oil output 1971 - 2011) |
2012-08-31 | IWR launches new event portal for wind powerA new event portal for onshore and offshore wind power has now been launched at This new website is a further addition to IWR’s media-related Internet services. Alongside defined date searches, based for instance on calendar weeks, the option of sorting events by topic relating to onshore and offshore wind power makes searching for the right event easier. Interesting symposia, trade fairs and congresses can be entered directly as a date in Outlook or Google Calendar. A weekly newsletter provides information about new additions to the wind calendar. – events relating to onshore and offshore wind power) |
2012-08-15 | E.ON and RWE profits higher than total green electricity apportionmentFor months the EEG green electricity apportionment has been the subject of criticism, being seen as the driving force behind rising electricity prices. To get a sense of context, according to their own forecasts of 19 billion euros between them, the two energy companies E.ON and RWE will make a profit (EBITDA) which is bigger than the payment for the total green electricity apportionment in 2011. Here the EEG compensation payments of 16.4 billion euros in 2011 are not to be equated with the apportionment. Roughly speaking, the EEG apportionment consists of the compensation payments (expenditure) minus the sales revenue for the green electricity (income). The smaller difference is the EEG apportionment which is borne by the consumers. (PR) |
2012-08-09 | dpa interview: Green energy set to be the number one source of electricity in 2013In an interview with the German Press Agency (dpa), IWR Director Dr. Norbert Allnoch has outlined the current situation with regard to renewables in Germany. For 2012 IWR is expecting electricity generation from renewables to reach 140 billion kWh (2011: 122 billion). In 2013 green energies could already overtake lignite (2011: 150 billion kWh). In 2012, nuclear energy will drop below the 100 billion KWh mark for the first time since the start of the 1980s. |
2012-07-30 | Study on the renewable energy industry in NRW is online – new four-sector model approach for regionsThe study on the renewable energy industry in 2010 produced by IWR for the federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen is now online. This is the first time a four-sector model approach to location evaluation in the renewable energy industry, developed by IWR, has been used for regions and areas. Using an overall analysis as a basis, IWR has highlighted sector-related options for further development of NRW as a location for the industry. (Download the study "Zur Lage der Regenerativen Energiewirtschaft in NRW") |
2012-07-20 | The transition to alternative energy: opinions and myths in a reality checkOver recent months the transition to alternative energy and the time schedule for phase-out of nuclear power has been a recurrent topic in the media. The common thread: Increasing electricity prices due to expansion of renewables, subsidies and excessive promotion of solar power, snail’s pace grid expansion with thousands of kilometres of new power lines and citizen protests, increasing grid standing charges due to high grid investment, etc. Is the transition to alternative energy really progressing at such a slow pace and what is the criticism actually about? A reality check on the transition to alternative energy (press information on the transition to alternative energy) |
2012-07-05 | Press release: In Germany electricity prices have fallen again – only not for the consumerIn June 2012 electricity prices fell once again, but only for electricity buyers on the exchanges and not for the end consumer. IWR has evaluated the data from the electricity exchange. It has found that electricity prices are dropping on the short-term spot market and on the longer-term future market across the board. The weakness in the way EEG electricity is marketed is revealed. Because electricity prices are dropping so fast and in some cases achieving record lows, the EEG apportionment is also increasing, which, according to IWR calculations, in this year alone is likely to be a billion euros higher due to the current electricity price reduction effect. The aim of ensuring that falling electricity purchase prices and the resulting increase in EEG apportionment even out below the bottom line and have no real impact on the price for the consumer is actually nowhere to be seen when it comes to what happens in practice. What is in fact happening is that suppliers pass on the increase in EEG apportionment, but not the reduction in purchase prices. (PR) |