Electricity prices on futures market fall to record low – Under 4 cents for the first time
The rapid decrease in German electricity prices on the exchange continues. Now for the first time, the 4 cent per kilowatt hour (kWh) mark has been breached downwards. Yesterday, major customers and the industry paid only 3.99 cent per kWh for base load electricity, which they will receive in 2015. At 3.998 cent, the future price for 2016 was at its lowest since January 2005. The reason for the price decline is a significant oversupply of electricity, despite the closing down of eight nuclear power plants. The closure of the next nuclear power plants in 2015 (Grafenrheinfeld) und 2017 (Gundremmingen B) is already factored in.- To IWR press release Electricity prices fall to record low – Under 4 cents for the first time (in German)
- Press information about German Energiewende Power prices for consumers rise – Exchange power prices fall to record lows
Released on: 2013-04-12