- www.iwr.de - Europe’s largest news and sector portal for the regenerative energy industry
- www.renewable-energy-industry.com - Global news and sector platform (multilingual)
- www.stromtarife.de - Power and green power portal
- www.energiejobs.de - The job and career portal for the energy industry
- www.energiekalender.de - Energy events, trade fairs, conferences, seminars, further education
- www.energiehandwerker.de - Search portal for craftsmen in the sectors of energy, heat, heating and ventilation
- www.windbranche.de - Special wind energy sector portal
- www.solarbranche.de - Solar energy sector portal
- www.solardachboerse.de - Market place for solar roofs
- www.infoplattform-umweltwaerme.de - Information platform for thermal heat pumps
- www.iwrpressedienst.de- Distribution of press releases to 6,000 media and specialist subscribers
- www.windkalender.de - Special event portal for onshore and offshore wind energy
- www.stromkalender.de - Special event portal for the energy or power market
- www.solarenergie-kalender.de - Special event portal for photovoltaic and solar thermal energy
- www.bioenergie-kalender.de - Special event portal for bio energy, wood pellets, biogas etc.
- www.regenerativer-wirtschaftstag.de - Information on the Renewable Energy Business Day
- www.cerina.org - CERINA-Plan Initiative – Investments in place of limits. An investment model as an alternative to the Kyoto model
- www.iwr-institut.de und www.iwr-institute.com The IWR, a renewable energy institute – History, Services, Press, Career
- www.offshore-windenergie.net- Information portal concerning national and international offshore wind power. A project of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU). The website was conceived and realised by IWR and has been operated since by IWR and by Offshore Wind Energy Foundation on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment. The website represents part of the OffWEA project.
Partnerprogramme für Webseiten-Betreiber
- News Press Partner Programme (free of charge): Integrate original press releases with their own layout into your own homepage (select ‘all’ by individual category, e.g. wind energy, solar energy)
- Event Partner Programme (free of charge): Integrate energy events, conferences, dates with their own layout into your own homepage (select ‘all’ by individual category, e.g. wind calendar, solar calendar, etc.)
- IWR News ticker www.iwr.de (Licensing model, subject to charge):Editorial news integration, teaser texts etc.
Further Communication and Information Channels
- CERINA-Plan Initiative (Info page) Climate protection initiative: CERINA = CO2 Emissions and Renewable Investment Action Plan as an alternative to the Kyoto protocol – Support the initiative with a link to www.cerina.org
- IWR-Institut - IWR page on Facebook
- IWR Newsticker - Current daily business news from the regenerative energy industry
- IWR-Pressedienst - Original press releases from the energy industry – distribution service in German / English www.iwrpressedienst.de
- RENIXX-News - News about or from the global stock index RENIXX World (Renewable Energy Industrial Index)
- CERINA Plan - Twitter messages on the CERINA Plan Initiative
- Daily News Renewable Energy - International EE News
- Renewable Press Releases - Original press releases (English)
- Energy Letter (weekly summary of the most important energy news via the IWR Press Service)
- Energiekalender (weekly collection of new energy events: meetings, conferences, trade fairs)
- Energiejobs.de Newsletter
- RENIXX-Newsletter (stock market: weekly summary of the financial sector)
- Stromtarife.de-Newsletter
- Renewable Energy Newsletter (English newsletter)
- IWR Press Release des IWR
- IWR-News: Current daily business news as an RSS feed with a selection of topics (all news, various energy topics, business/shareholdings)
- Renewable Energy Industry: Global news from the regenerative energy industry as an RSS feed (German)
- Renewable Energy Industry: Global news from the regenerative energy industry as an RSS feed (English)
- IWR-Pressedienst: Original press releases as an RSS feed with a selection of different topics ("all", press dates, events, different headings, company press releases)