networks and media servicesGermany plays the leading role of technology in the environmental sector. Other countries, however, are able to record important developments as well. Isolation would therefore be the wrong path to take. The sector of the renewable energy sector is characterized by cooperative working methods. The IWR significantly contributes to this idea: by means of the renewable energy industry’s network, a sector-oriented renewable economic research, as organizer of trendsetting conferences and by means of innovative information platforms.   

To name but one example, the IWR organizes the Renewable Energy Buisness Day, a conference at which international experts both from the economy and renewable energy sector discuss market perspectives, the turn of energy policies as well as new technical trends.

Our institute has been made internationally known by numerous specialized news and sector platforms of the energy sector. The news portals (national) and (international) represent the global business environment of renewable energy. The IWR-schedule of trade fairs lists the sector’s internationally important trade fairs and congresses. It also gives an overview of the companies represented on the respective trade fair. Several ones are market leaders in their sector.
An overview of the IWR’s web and service portals can be found with our references.